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git 笔记概览

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Git 如何删除 Remote 的文件

Git 如何删除 Remote 的文件

git - 简易指南

助你开始使用 git 的简易指南,木有高深内容,;)

git 删除远程分支的命令

如果通过命令 git branch -b feature_x source 建立了 source 的一个分支 feature_x,
而且还将 feature_x 这个分支提交到 github 服务器上面去了,
此时由 feature_x 切换回 source 分支后执行 git branch -d feature_x 命令只能删除本地分支,
怎么将 github 服务器上面的 feature_x 分支给干掉呢?
执行 git push origin :feature\_x 命令即可!

Git 分支管理策略

Git 分支管理策略

Git 怎么为 github 生成 ssh 密钥

github:help - Generating SSH Keys

Git 恢复删掉的一个文件

git rm 5.c
git reset HEAD 5.c
git checkout 5.c
完成(HEAD 似乎表示当前分支的当前版本)

Git 在各版本之间自由穿梭

git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --hard e0dea1a7eaca4b9325e36fdbdf0909d02a067d43
注:各版本的 hash 可以去 github 查看,也可以使用 git log 命令查看。

Git 怎么忽略某个文件

仓库的 .gitignoregit/info/excludeexclude 本身不被 git 管理。
一般情况下不要使用第一种方法,因为 .gitignore 本身是被 git 管理的,是大家共用的。
所以,不要随便修改 .gitignore 文件!

Yasin Lee 的 git 学习笔记


Problem with “git remote add origin git@github.com:yang3wei/test.git”?

试着先执行一下 git remote rm origin 命令。

fatal: … did you run git update-server-info on the server?

You have to carefully look after your spelling.
According to Github’s guide, your username is nalgene,
hence the URL is https://github.com/nalgene/MultiView.git.
The error message hints that you added the remote as
which is not the same username, as you swapped the l and g.
Also, the default branch is called master, not maaster or mater.
original link

What does “origin” mean in “git push origin master”?

git push origin master 的完整命令如下:
git push git@github.com:{username}/{projectname}.git HEAD:{branchname}

Also, you don’t need to type out the whole url each time you want to push.
When you ran the clone, git saved that URL as origin,
that’s why you can run something like ‘merge origin/test’ -
it means the test branch on your origin server.
So, the simplest way to push to your server in that case would be:
git push origin my_test:test
That will push your local my_test branch to the test branch on your origin server.
If you had named your local branch the same as the branch on the server,
then the colon is not neccesary, you can simply do:
git push origin test
Error when “git push” to github

